Siapa sih hari gini yang gak pengen kulitnya jadi putih bening kinclong ? apalagi stereotype orang Indonesia yang seakan akan seragam bahwa cantik itu putih dan putih itu ya cantik. Pdhl gak jarang cewek cewek eksotos kaya Tara basro dan anggub tetep mempesona. Nahhh masalahnya buat saya yang punya kulit sawo kematengan ini, kulit gelap jadinya bikin dekil banget. Akhirnya saya paham bukan soal putihnya, tapi terawat atau enggak nya badan kita. Yang penting sehat, gak kering .. jadi meskipun kulit sawo matang pun ga dekil.
Mulai lah saya berburu body lotion yang mencerahkan, kalian pasti udah liat di online shop banyak dijual body lotion yang dengan seedetik bisa bikin putih ? tapi bahan bahan nya kok ya bikin ngeri ... nanti putih tapi kena kanker kulit ....... ya wassalam.
Akhirnya aku berfikir untuk invest di body lotion Senzue Lumi Bright, memang harganya gak se ekonomis pemutih pemutih di instagram, tapi worth it dengan banyak kelebihan dan yang terpenting "keamanannya". Menurut aku body lotion ini menjadikan badan lebih cerah dan lebih putih bersinar, cepat menyerap, dan nyaman untuk dikenakan pada kulit.
Pro - Senzues Lumi Bright :
- Formulanya sudah Clinically Proven
- Paraben Free
- SLS Free
- Memberikan efek kulit yang lebih cerah
- Menjauhkan kulit dari kekusaman
- Merawat dan mencerahkan kulit
- Hasil lotion ringan
- Menghaluskan dan menghidrasi kulit
Kontra - Senzues Lumi Bright :
Dikarenakan saya banci packaging, next time saya akan beli yang kemasan 350ml karena jauhhhhhhhhhhh lebih luv dari kemasan yang 200ml ini. Kalian bisa intip di disini untuk penampakannya.
- Pastikan kulit dalam keadaan bersih sebelum mengaplikasikan
- Aplikasikan pada seluruh bagian kulit badan.
- Tunggu hingga menyerap
Semoga review aku membantu, setelah satu bulan pemakaian aku akan update blog ini before after pemakaian nya ya! Keep Update!
Even if I got sponsored by @Senzues_id and @ClozetteID, all opinions and thoughts on everything featured in this blog is my honest opinion, I will never sway my opinion just because something has been sent to me.
None of the contents or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, any brand or institution. Apology in advance if it comes across that way.
I would do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a makeup artist, medical doctor or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for professional advice.
The info in the blog may change without notice, correction or might be updated. It may not always reflect the most current development. I Also may delete some posts if I dont use the product anymore or all of sudden It has bad effect to my skin/body.
The content published in the blog is protected by copyright. To copy the portions of the blog, and/or use any images from this blog please send an e-mail to me at kaniadachlan@yahoo.com or just simply credit it back to my blog.
I own most of the photographs on this blog however if you do own the copyright to any content on this blog and like it to be removed or credited please contact me and i'll do as per your request.
Instagram : instagram.com/kaniadachlan
Youtube : youtube.com/c/kaniadachlan
Twitter : twitter.com/kaniadachlan
Blog : www.kaniadachlan.com
Snapchat : kaniadachlan
Even if I got sponsored by @Senzues_id and @ClozetteID, all opinions and thoughts on everything featured in this blog is my honest opinion, I will never sway my opinion just because something has been sent to me.
None of the contents or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, any brand or institution. Apology in advance if it comes across that way.
I would do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a makeup artist, medical doctor or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for professional advice.
The info in the blog may change without notice, correction or might be updated. It may not always reflect the most current development. I Also may delete some posts if I dont use the product anymore or all of sudden It has bad effect to my skin/body.
The content published in the blog is protected by copyright. To copy the portions of the blog, and/or use any images from this blog please send an e-mail to me at kaniadachlan@yahoo.com or just simply credit it back to my blog.
I own most of the photographs on this blog however if you do own the copyright to any content on this blog and like it to be removed or credited please contact me and i'll do as per your request.
Instagram : instagram.com/kaniadachlan
Youtube : youtube.com/c/kaniadachlan
Twitter : twitter.com/kaniadachlan
Blog : www.kaniadachlan.com
Snapchat : kaniadachlan