Alamat Princess Cake itu ada di Jalan Cihampelas no 120 - Bandung, deket banget sama Mall Cihampelas walk, lokasinya strategis tapi macetnya gak ketolong, jadi enaknya dateng pagi pagi biar gak parah juga antrinya. Selain itu, incess juga udah buka di Bogor, di jalan Ahmad yani no 44. Beda sama Bandung Makuta, kadang2 Princess Cake bisa di Gojekin aku udah 2 kali gojekin dan bisa, seneng. Tapi klopun langsung datang pernah juga, antriannya masih manusiawi dibanding tempat sebelah.
Harga oleh oleh di Princess Cake ini memang lebih mahal dari Makuta dan Kanaya sekitar 65-85rb per pcs nya. Tapi harga gak bisa bohong, rasanya juga menurutku paling enak.
Untuk Varian rasa ada macem macem : Coklat, Double cheese, Mocca, Greentea, mangga dan strawberry. Kali ini aku coba yang coklat!
Untuk rasanya itu kuenya dari puff pastry terus ada bolunya lagi, nah aku beli yang coklat dan rasanya enak banget coklatnyaaa gak bikin enek dan suka banget dibandngkan kue kekinian lainnya yang lebih banyak pastry nya aku lebih suka ini karena lebih banyak cakenya.
All opinions and thoughts on everything featured in this blog is my honest opinion, I will never sway my opinion just because something has been sent to me.
None of the contents or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, any brand or institution. Apology in advance if it comes across that way.
I would do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a medical doctor, nutritionist, or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for professional advice.
The info in the blog may change without notice, correction or might be updated. It may not always reflect the most current development. I Also may delete some posts if I dont use the product anymore or all of sudden It has bad effect to my skin/body.
The content published in the blog is protected by copyright. To copy the portions of the blog, and/or use any images from this blog please send an e-mail to me at kaniadachlan@yahoo.com or just simply credit it back to my blog.
I own most of the photographs on this blog however if you do own the copyright to any content on this blog and like it to be removed or credited please contact me and i'll do as per your request.
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Blog : www.kaniadachlan.com
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