Bonjour Ma Belle!
Ngomong ngomong soal Masker Kefir memang gak ada habisnya! Setelah aku bilang kalau masker kefir dari rumah kefir by febiola kurang bersahabat packagingnya, skrg mereka balik lagi dengan kemasan baru!!!!
Bukan cuma kemasan, mereka juga punya varian baru loh. Penasaran ? yuk liat video review aku dan demo pemakaiannya.
Buat yang mau coba masker ini kalian bisa cek disini ya!
Aku lapirkanPricelist nya (per tanggal 5 September 2017) karena banyaaaaaaak banget yang tanya di youtube aku sebelumnya mengenai harga dan beli dimana hehehe
20 day= 280rb
30 day= 420rb free 2 sachet
40 day= 560rb ( Recommended ) free 4 sachet
🍼 Masker kefir susu bengkoang
20 day= 300rb
30 day= 440rb free 2 sachet
40 day= 580rb ( Recommended ) free 5 sachet
🍼 Masker Herbal Seeds Kefir ( Complete Formula )mmrr
20 day= 340rb
30 day= 480rb free 2 sachet
40 day= 620rb ( Recommended ) free 5 sachet
Happy Watching!
The opinions expressed here are mine. And even if I got sponsored, all opinions and thoughts on everything featured in this blog is my DEAhonest opinion, I will never sway my opinion just because something has been sent to me.
None of the contents or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, any brand or institution. Apology in advance if it comes across that way.
I would do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a makeup artist, medical doctor or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for professional advice.
The info in the blog may change without notice, correction or might be updated. It may not always reflect the most current development. I Also may delete some posts if I dont use the product anymore or all of sudden It has bad effect to my skin/body.
The content published in the blog is protected by copyright. To copy the portions of the blog, and/or use any images from this blog please send an e-mail to me at or just simply credit it back to my blog.
I own most of the photographs on this blog however if you do own the copyright to any content on this blog and like it to be removed or credited please contact me and i'll do as per your request.
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